Risk and Compliance Manager London, N1 Salary of circa£48,000 per annum About Us The Disasters Emergency Committee (DEC)is a unique membership organisation made up of 15 of the UK’sleading humanitarian charities: Action Against Hunger, Action AidUK, Age International, British Red Cross, CAFOD, CARE InternationalUK, Christian Aid, Concern Worldwide (UK), International RescueCommittee, Islamic Relief Worldwide, Oxfam GB, Plan InternationalUK, Save the Children UK, Tearfund, and World Vision UK. Whenlarge-scale disasters strike countries that lack the resources torespond, we bring our member charities together to raise fundsquickly and efficiently. In times of crisis, our mission is tosave, protect, and rebuild lives through effective humanitarianaction. Working as one, we coordinate the UK public’s response tooverseas disasters. Through our Rapid Response Network of media andcorporate partners, we raise the alarm with the UK public and makedonating as easy as possible, with most funds raised within thefirst two weeks of an appeal. Since our launch in 1963, we have run78 appeals and raised an astounding £2.4bn, helping save countlesslives and rebuild communities. We are now looking for a Risk andCompliance Manager to join us on a full-time, permanent basis.Non-contractual Benefits - Paid mobile phone allowance@£15 permonth - Health Care Cash Plan, providing an array of healthservices (£1,660 cash value per year) - Gym Pass – discountedaccess to various health club providers - Discount schemes viaReward Gateway and BHSN Extras (for various retailers andbusinesses) - Discounted tickets for events - Season ticket loan(post probation) - Cycle-to-work scheme (post probation) This is aninfluential opportunity for a detail-driven risk and complianceprofessional to join our passionate humanitarian organisation. Yourexpertise will help shape risk management strategies to ensure weare compliant in managing contracts and relationships that enablethe DEC to be efficient with our financial resources. You willguide and advise colleagues engaging with an array of people andorganisations, to support various assignments and journeys with oron behalf of the DEC. The DEC is a collegiate culture that isrespectful, where colleagues share a commitment to ethicalgovernance. The Role As our Risk and Compliance Manager, you willoversee all aspects of risk management, compliance, and internalcontrols. This role is critical in fostering a secure and ethicalworking environment while implementing risk management strategiesboth within and outside of appeal periods. Ensuring we operatewithin legal and regulatory frameworks, you will identify andmitigate potential risks through risk assessments, internal audits,and the management of insurance policies. You will overseecompliance with statutory and regulatory requirements, includingdata protection, anti-money laundering, and safeguarding, whilesupporting governance through board-level reporting and fraudprevention measures. Additionally, you will: - Manage contractnegotiations, supplier relationships, and procurement processes -Oversee travel risk management and incident reporting to ensurestaff safety - Support the monitoring of fraud prevention withinDEC and member agencies - Implement environmental and socialgovernance (ESG) initiatives - Develop and enforce policies ongifts, hospitality, and whistleblowing - Deliver risk managementtraining and update key compliance policies About You To beconsidered as our Risk and Compliance Manager, you will need: -Experience mitigating legal risks and liabilities and identifyingcontractual hazards to reduce or eliminate their financial impact -Experience guiding employees to negotiate contractual matters in alegal and ethical manner - Experience developing policies andcompliance documentation - In-depth legal knowledge of regulatoryand statutory requirements affecting the UK non-profit sector - ALevel 6 qualification in Risk Management, Law, Finance, BusinessAdministration, or related field The closing date for this role is9am, Monday 24th March 2025. Other organisations may call this roleCharity Compliance Manager, Governance Manager, Risk and GovernanceManager, Governance and Compliance Manager, or Senior ComplianceAdvisor. The DEC is committed to the safeguarding and protection ofchildren and vulnerable adults and participates in the Inter AgencyMisconduct Disclosure Scheme. In line with this Scheme, we willrequest information from successful applicants’ previous employersabout any findings of sexual exploitation, sexual abuse and/orsexual harassment during employment, or incidents underinvestigation when the applicant left employment. Webrecruit andthe DEC are equal opportunities employers, value diversity and arestrongly committed to providing equal employment opportunities forall employees and all applicants for employment. Equalopportunities are the only acceptable way to conduct business andwe believe that the more inclusive our environments are, the betterour work will be. So, if you’re looking for an impactful role as aRisk and Compliance Manager, please apply via the button shown.This vacancy is being advertised by Webrecruit. The servicesadvertised by Webrecruit are those of an EmploymentAgency.